Friday, April 29, 2011

Self-Compassion: Treating Yourself As You'd Treat a Good Friend

The golden rule tells us that we should treat others as we would want them to treat us. Maybe so, but hopefully we won't treat them even half as badly as we treat ourselves.

"You're so lame!"

"What a screw-up!"

"How can you ever show your face in public again!"

Would you talk this way to a friend -- or even to a stranger, for that matter? Of course not. (Or at least I hope not!) It's natural for us to try to be kind to the people we care about in our lives. We let them know it's okay to be human when they fail. We reassure them of our respect and support when they're feeling bad about themselves. We comfort them when they're going through hard times. In other words, most of us are very good at being understanding, kind and compassionate toward others.

But how many of us are good at being compassionate to ourselves?

Think of all the generous, caring people you know who constantly beat themselves up. For some strange reason our culture tells us that this is the way we should be -- women especially -- or else we'll become self-centered egomaniacs. But is it true?

The answer is no. All beating ourselves up does is make us feel depressed, insecure and afraid to take on new challenges because we're afraid of the self-punishment that will follow if we fail. It also makes it harder for us to see ourselves clearly because it's too painful. Much better to blame my problems on someone else so that I can avoid my inner tyrant.

For the past decade I've been conducting research on self-compassion and have found that people who are compassionate to themselves are much less likely to be depressed, anxious, insecure and stressed, and are much more likely to be happy, resilient, optimistic and motivated to change themselves and their lives for the better. They also tend to have better relationships with others. In short, self-compassionate people experience greater psychological well-being.

It makes sense. When our inner voice continually criticizes and berates us, we often end up in negative cycles of self-sabotage and self-harm. However, when our inner voice plays the role of a supportive friend we can -- when we notice some personal failing -- feel safe and accepted enough to both see ourselves clearly and make the changes needed to be healthier and happier.

But what is self-compassion, exactly? Drawing on the writings of various Buddhist scholars, I have defined self-compassion as having three main components: kindness, common humanity and mindfulness.

Self-kindness refers to the tendency to be supportive and understanding with ourselves rather than harshly critical or judgmental. Instead of tearing ourselves to shreds when we fail or make a mistake, we soothe and comfort ourselves, providing the caring concern needed to try again. To get a sense of how this feels, try putting both arms straight out to the sides and clenching your fists hard. This is what self-judgment feels like. Then release your clenched fists and open your hands. This is what letting go of self-judgment feels like. Then take both hands and place them gently over your heart. This is what self-kindness feels like. (There are different physiological processes underlying these various feelings that I'll write about in a future blog.)

Common humanity involves recognizing that all humans are imperfect. It allows us to connect our own flawed condition to the shared human condition so that we can have a greater perspective on our personal shortcomings and difficulties.

Mindfulness can be defined as the clear seeing and acceptance of what is occurring in the present moment. It involves being aware of one's painful feelings in a balanced manner so that one neither ignores nor exaggerates personal suffering.

Paradoxically, the more you're able to admit the pain of being a limited human being and accept this fact with kindness and equanimity, the more you'll be able to heal your pain. By soothing and comforting yourself, just as a caring mother soothes and comforts her child when he or she is hurt, you will be able to rebound from setbacks more quickly. You will have the emotional resources needed to take on new challenges and reach your full potential. Beating yourself up doesn't help anyone -- least of all yourself. offers a great tool for testing your own self-compassion level and finding out if you need to start being kinder to yourself. If you find that you need to develop more self-compassion, there are a number of exercises and guided meditations that can help you cultivate a new way of being.

Luckily, most of are already quite skilled at being kind, understanding and compassionate to those we care about. To realize the benefits of self-compassion, therefore, all you need to do is turn around and apply those same skills toward yourself. It's easier than you think, and it could change your life.

* * * * *To learn more, or to order my new book, "Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind," go to

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How to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Everyone has a list of things they want to do before they die: faraway places to see, books to write, mountains to climb. Some people call it a bucket list, or a wish list, but I call it a dream list. Some people have a hundred things on their dream list, while others only have two, but everyone has a list, whether they know it or not. There is something deeply beautiful about having a serious dream list because it really reveals the inner truth about what you want in your life. At my coaching company the Handel Group, I have my clients analyze the different areas of their life and design and plan accordingly so that they have a road map to make the dreams on their list happen.

I find that the area where most people tend to be most complacent in the dreams is their career. It's easy to get stuck in your career, even -- in fact, especially -- if you are in the field that you want to be in. It's easy to be comfortable and doing what you always planned to do, but not really challenging yourself. This can lead to dissatisfaction and boredom -- what you really need to stay inspired is a dream to focus on.

A few years ago, I reconnected with a friend from childhood, Craig Wedren, whom I went to summer camp with when I was 13 years old. His dream when we were kids was to become a famous rock star and change the world with his music. When we reconnected in our mid-30s, he was doing really well in his career. He had been the lead singer of the popular indie band Shudder to Think in his twenties and had become an accomplished TV and movie composer ("School of Rock," "Role Models," "Reno 911!," "Hung," "United States of Tara"). As we talked about his career, I found that even though he had many successes and was doing "what he always wanted to do," he had lost sight of his dreams and inspiration. He knew exactly what he wanted at 20, but at age 35 he hadn't continued to push his dreams.

The art of knowing what you want is critical to getting what you want.

The first thing I had Craig do was brainstorm about what he really wanted in his career -- then write it into a dream list. Most people hit a point in their life where they stop dreaming or keep the list in the back of their mind. You need to put it down on paper so that you can really refine what exactly it is you want to do. After Craig wrote out his dream list, I asked him if there was anything on his list that he would be heartbroken if he didn't achieve. He told me he had been thinking of trying to do a thoroughly modern update to the classic rock movie -- in the vein of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and The Who's "Tommy," where he could tell an epic story through his music. He already had a concept and title: "Wand." As a film composer, he had been writing music to fit with other peoples' images, but he decided that it would be interesting to turn that on its head and create visuals to fit the music he'd written.

Often people avoid following a specific dream because it will takes years to achieve what they want.

With every client, I make sure they come to terms with how long it will take for a dream to happen. If you want to be a great skier, it won't happen in a month; it may take five years or longer to master it. It's important that the client understand and accept the amount of time it will take to achieve his or her dream. When Craig committed to doing this new project, he wasn't sure how long it would take, but he really wanted it and was willing to spend years to make it happen.

To turn a dream into a reality, you have to put it in the time.

Once a client makes the decision to follow a dream, we immediately implement a plan of action. Craig was a working composer, so he wasn't able to spend all his time working on "Wand." So I had him look at his schedule and commit to working a certain amount of hours a week on it. I'm talking bite-sized commitments -- real steps toward achieving your dream. If you commit to something that you are dying to do, even if you only give one day a month toward it, it will truly change how you think and dramatically improve your life.

Once Craig had a plan in place, I had him implement a system of consequences to help him keep his work promises and keep him focused on his dream. I like to find something that will really motivate a client. In this case, it was coffee. Craig really loves his espresso, so if Craig didn't do his daily hours on "Wand," he would lose his shots of espresso the following day. He was also accountable to me with his progress and had to email me details of his work on "Wand" every week. When going after a dream, it's important to have someone keeping you on track to your goal. Dreams can become reality with a strong commitment, integrity and a plan. For Craig, working on it daily forced him to have it on his mind all the time, and led him and director Tim Nackashi to creatively pioneer a new kind of interactive, 360-degree visual style for "Wand."

How anyone can make a dream happen:

  1. Write out your dream list and ask yourself what item on that list would break your heart if you didn't go after it.

  2. Make peace with how long it will take you to achieve your dream.

  3. Set up a plan of action where you commit to a specific amount of time each week working toward your dream.

  4. Implement a system of consequences in place to help you keep your integrity with your plan of action, and have a friend help you be accountable.

  5. Go after your dream and discover how proud you feel about yourself for taking the steps toward achieving something you really want in your life.

Following your dream is the act of loving life.

When I started working with Craig, "Wand" was just a thought in his head. Through coaching and a solid commitment and plan, Craig discovered what he really wanted to accomplish and was able to figure out how to go after it.

Now, almost four years later, the first installment of "Wand," "Are We," is getting some serious online love and has been nominated for MTV's O Music Award for Most Innovative Video. If he never put his dream down on paper and saw what he really wanted, "Wand" would never have become a reality.

* * * * *Craig's Wedren's interactive video "Are We," the first chapter of "Wand," can be seen at, and you can vote for "Are We" at

 Original post found here:

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Nutrients and Phytochemicals Database

Most Common Nutrients

Allium | Alpha lipoic acid | Amino acids | Anthocyanidins | Antioxidants | Ascorbic acid | Bioflavonoids | Calcium | Carnitine | Carotenoids | Catechins | Chlorophyll | Chromium | Citrus bioflavonoids | Copper | CoQ10 | Creatine | Curcumin | Docosahexaenoic acid | Eicosapentaenoic acid | Ellagic acid | Essential fatty acids | Fiber | Flavonoids | Folate | Folic acid | Gallic acid | Gamma-linoleic acid | Gamma-linolenic acid | Genistein | Germanium | Glutamine | Glutathione | Indoles | Inositol | Iodine | Iron | Isoflavonoids | L-carnitine | Lecithin | Lignans | Lipoic acid | Lutein | Lycopene | Magnesium | Manganese | Molybdenum | Niacin | Omega-3 fatty acids | Pantothenic acid | Para-aminobenzoic acid | Phenylalanine | Phosphorus | Phytoestrogens | Phytosterols | Polyphenols | Potassium | Proanthocyanidins | Pyridoxine | Quercetin | Riboflavin | Saponins | Selenium | Silica | Silicon | Sulforaphane | Sulfur | Tannins | Terpenes | Vanadium | Vitamin A | Vitamin B1 | Vitamin B12 | Vitamin B2 | Vitamin B3 | Vitamin B5 | Vitamin B6 | Vitamin C | Vitamin D | Vitamin E | Vitamin K | Zeaxanthin | Zinc

Most Common Health Conditions

Allergies | Alzheimer's | Arthritis | Asthma | Attention deficit disorder | Back pain | Blood clots | Bone loss | Breast cancer | Cancer | Cardiovascular disease | Cataracts | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Chronic pain | Circulatory disorders | Cognitive decline | Cold sores | Colon cancer | Constipation | Coronary heart disease | Crohn's disease | Dandruff | Dementia | Depression | Diabetes | Digestive disorders | Dry skin | Eczema | Endometriosis | Enlarged prostate | Female infertility | Fibromyalgia | Gastroesophageal reflux disease | Gingivitis | Hair loss | Halitosis | Headaches | Heart disease | Heartburn | Hepatitis | Herpes | High blood pressure | High cholesterol | Hypoglycemia | Ibs | Infections | Infertility | Inflammation | Injuries | Insomnia | Insulin resistance | Irritability | Joint inflammation | Joint pain | Kidney stones | Leg cramps | Liver disorders | Lung disease | Macular degeneration | Memory loss | Menopause | Menstrual cramps | Migraines | Muscle pain | Night blindness | Obesity | Osteoporosis | Pancreatic cancer | Pms | Premenstrual syndrome | Prostate cancer | Rheumatoid arthritis | Sinusitis | Sleep disorders | Stomach ulcers | Stroke | Thyroid disorders | Urinary tract infections | Varicose veins | Yeast infections

About This Reference Database

This site is part of a public education project created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and hosted by Truth Publishing. Its purpose is to educate and empower consumers with information they can use to prevent and even help reverse degenerative disease. There are no commercial sponsors of this site, and neither Mike Adams nor Truth Publishing was paid anything to create this site.

Nature's foods contain powerful medicine in the form of phytonutrients, and knowing how to use those natural medicines empowers people with the information they need to be healthier, happier and free from the ravages of chronic disease.

The other sites in this project are:

  • - Covers healing foods, their nutrients and which diseases or conditions that may help.

  • - Details the medicinal use of herbs, including Western herbs, Chinese herbs and culinary herbs.

  • - Explores the health benefits of popular supplements that don't qualify as foods or herbs. Example: glucosamine, amino acids, propolis, etc.

The data presented on these sites are cited with research references. Sources include books by Dr. James Duke, Michael T. Murray, Michael Tierra and other doctors, authors and researchers.

Supplements Database

Most Common Supplements

Acidophilus | Bee pollen | Blue-green algae | Bromelain | Chlorella | Cod liver oil | Evening primrose oil | Flax oil | Hemp oil | Kelp | Kombu | Lysine | Micro-algae | Propolis | Psyllium | Quercetin | Royal jelly | Selenium | Shark cartilage | Spirulina | Sunshine

Most Common Health Conditions

Allergies | Alzheimer's | Arthritis | Asthma | Attention deficit disorder | Back pain | Blood clots | Bone loss | Breast cancer | Cancer | Cardiovascular disease | Cataracts | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Chronic pain | Circulatory disorders | Cognitive decline | Cold sores | Colon cancer | Constipation | Coronary heart disease | Crohn's disease | Dandruff | Dementia | Depression | Diabetes | Digestive disorders | Dry skin | Eczema | Endometriosis | Enlarged prostate | Female infertility | Fibromyalgia | Gastroesophageal reflux disease | Gingivitis | Hair loss | Halitosis | Headaches | Heart disease | Heartburn | Hepatitis | Herpes | High blood pressure | High cholesterol | Hypoglycemia | Ibs | Infections | Infertility | Inflammation | Injuries | Insomnia | Insulin resistance | Irritability | Joint inflammation | Joint pain | Kidney stones | Leg cramps | Liver disorders | Lung disease | Macular degeneration | Memory loss | Menopause | Menstrual cramps | Migraines | Muscle pain | Night blindness | Obesity | Osteoporosis | Pancreatic cancer | Pms | Premenstrual syndrome | Prostate cancer | Rheumatoid arthritis | Sinusitis | Sleep disorders | Stomach ulcers | Stroke | Thyroid disorders | Urinary tract infections | Varicose veins | Yeast infections

About This Reference Database

This site is part of a public education project created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and hosted by Truth Publishing. Its purpose is to educate and empower consumers with information they can use to prevent and even help reverse degenerative disease. There are no commercial sponsors of this site, and neither Mike Adams nor Truth Publishing was paid anything to create this site.

Nature's foods contain powerful medicine in the form of phytonutrients, and knowing how to use those natural medicines empowers people with the information they need to be healthier, happier and free from the ravages of chronic disease.

The other sites in this project are:

  • - Covers healing foods, their nutrients and which diseases or conditions that may help.

  • - Details the medicinal use of herbs, including Western herbs, Chinese herbs and culinary herbs.

  • - Lists the medicinal properties of all known nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

The data presented on these sites are cited with research references. Sources include books by Dr. James Duke, Michael T. Murray, Michael Tierra and other doctors, authors and researchers.

Healing Herbs Database

Most Common Herbs

Aloe vera | American ginseng | Arnica | Astragalus | Bitter melon | Black cohosh | Blue cohosh | Borage | Boswellia | Burdock root | Calendula | Cascara sagrada | Cat's claw | Cayenne pepper | Chamomile | Chaparral | Cinnamon | Comfrey | Cornsilk | Cramp bark | Curcumin | Dandelion | Devil's claw | Dong quai | Echinacea | Elderberry | Eucalyptus | Evening primrose | Eyebright | Fennel | Fenugreek | Feverfew | Garlic | Ginger | Ginkgo biloba | Ginseng | Goldenrod | Goldenseal | Gotu kola | Gravel root | Green tea | Guggul | Gymnema sylvestre | Horseradish | Juniper berries | Kava kava | Lavender | Lemon balm | Lemon grass | Licorice root | Lobelia | Lomatium | Lovage | Maitake mushroom | Marshmallow | Milk thistle | Mint | Mullein | Mustard seeds | Myrrh | Natto | Nettle | Nopal | Nutmeg | Oregano | Parsley | Peppermint | Plantain | Prickly pear | Pygeum | Red clover | Red raspberry | Reishi mushroom | Rosehips | Rosemary | Sage | Saw palmetto | Schisandra | Scullcap | Shepherd's purse | Skullcap | Slippery elm | St. John's wort | Star anise | Stevia | Stinging nettle | Thyme | Turmeric | Uva ursi | Valerian root | Wheat grass | Willow | Yarrow | Yellow dock | Yucca

Most Common Health Conditions

Allergies | Alzheimer's | Arthritis | Asthma | Attention deficit disorder | Back pain | Blood clots | Bone loss | Breast cancer | Cancer | Cardiovascular disease | Cataracts | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Chronic pain | Circulatory disorders | Cognitive decline | Cold sores | Colon cancer | Constipation | Coronary heart disease | Crohn's disease | Dandruff | Dementia | Depression | Diabetes | Digestive disorders | Dry skin | Eczema | Endometriosis | Enlarged prostate | Female infertility | Fibromyalgia | Gastroesophageal reflux disease | Gingivitis | Hair loss | Halitosis | Headaches | Heart disease | Heartburn | Hepatitis | Herpes | High blood pressure | High cholesterol | Hypoglycemia | Ibs | Infections | Infertility | Inflammation | Injuries | Insomnia | Insulin resistance | Irritability | Joint inflammation | Joint pain | Kidney stones | Leg cramps | Liver disorders | Lung disease | Macular degeneration | Memory loss | Menopause | Menstrual cramps | Migraines | Muscle pain | Night blindness | Obesity | Osteoporosis | Pancreatic cancer | Pms | Premenstrual syndrome | Prostate cancer | Rheumatoid arthritis | Sinusitis | Sleep disorders | Stomach ulcers | Stroke | Thyroid disorders | Urinary tract infections | Varicose veins | Yeast infections

About This Reference Database

This site is part of a public education project created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and hosted by Truth Publishing. Its purpose is to educate and empower consumers with information they can use to prevent and even help reverse degenerative disease. There are no commercial sponsors of this site, and neither Mike Adams nor Truth Publishing was paid anything to create this site.

Nature's foods contain powerful medicine in the form of phytonutrients, and knowing how to use those natural medicines empowers people with the information they need to be healthier, happier and free from the ravages of chronic disease.

The other sites in this project are:

  • - Covers healing foods, their nutrients and which diseases or conditions that may help.

  • - Explores the health benefits of popular supplements that don't qualify as foods or herbs. Example: glucosamine, amino acids, propolis, etc.

  • - Lists the medicinal properties of all known nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

The data presented on these sites are cited with research references. Sources include books by Dr. James Duke, Michael T. Murray, Michael Tierra and other doctors, authors and researchers.

Healing Foods Database

Most Common Health Conditions

Allergies | Alzheimer's | Arthritis | Asthma | Attention deficit disorder | Back pain | Blood clots | Bone loss | Breast cancer | Cancer | Cardiovascular disease | Cataracts | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Chronic pain | Circulatory disorders | Cognitive decline | Cold sores | Colon cancer | Constipation | Coronary heart disease | Crohn's disease | Dandruff | Dementia | Depression | Diabetes | Digestive disorders | Dry skin | Eczema | Endometriosis | Enlarged prostate | Female infertility | Fibromyalgia | Gastroesophageal reflux disease | Gingivitis | Hair loss | Halitosis | Headaches | Heart disease | Heartburn | Hepatitis | Herpes | High blood pressure | High cholesterol | Hypoglycemia | Ibs | Infections | Infertility | Inflammation | Injuries | Insomnia | Insulin resistance | Irritability | Joint inflammation | Joint pain | Kidney stones | Leg cramps | Liver disorders | Lung disease | Macular degeneration | Memory loss | Menopause | Menstrual cramps | Migraines | Muscle pain | Night blindness | Obesity | Osteoporosis | Pancreatic cancer | Pms | Premenstrual syndrome | Prostate cancer | Rheumatoid arthritis | Sinusitis | Sleep disorders | Stomach ulcers | Stroke | Thyroid disorders | Urinary tract infections | Varicose veins | Yeast infections

Most Common Foods

Almonds | Apples | Asparagus | Avocado | Banana | Beets | Blackstrap molasses | Blueberries | Brazil nuts | Broccoli | Buckwheat | Cabbage | Cantaloupe | Carrots | Cashews | Cauliflower | Celery | Cherries | Chia seeds | Chocolate | Cilantro | Citrus fruit | Coconut | Corn | Cranberries | Cucumber | Dates | Eggs | Figs | Flaxseeds | Grape seeds | Grapes | Green beans | Green bell pepper | Honey | Honeydew melon | Kale | Kiwi | Kumquat | Leek | Lemon | Lentils | Lettuce | Lima beans | Lime | Macadamia nuts | Mango | Millet | Mung bean sprouts | Mushrooms | Mustard | Oat bran | Oats | Okra | Olive oil | Onion | Orange | Peach | Peanut butter | Pear | Peas | Pecans | Pine nuts | Pineapple | Pistachio nuts | Potato | Quinoa | Radish | Raspberries | Red cabbage | Red wine | Rye | Salmon | Sea salt | Sea vegetables | Sesame seeds | Shiitake mushroom | Snow peas | Spelt | Spinach | Strawberries | Sunflower seeds | Sweet potato | Tofu | Tomato | Walnuts | Watermelon | Wheat germ | Zucchini

About This Reference Database

This site is part of a public education project created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and hosted by Truth Publishing. Its purpose is to educate and empower consumers with information they can use to prevent and even help reverse degenerative disease. There are no commercial sponsors of this site, and neither Mike Adams nor Truth Publishing was paid anything to create this site.

Nature's foods contain powerful medicine in the form of phytonutrients, and knowing how to use those natural medicines empowers people with the information they need to be healthier, happier and free from the ravages of chronic disease.

The other sites in this project are:

  • - Details the medicinal use of herbs, including Western herbs, Chinese herbs and culinary herbs.

  • - Explores the health benefits of popular supplements that don't qualify as foods or herbs. Example: glucosamine, amino acids, propolis, etc.

  • - Lists the medicinal properties of all known nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

The data presented on these sites are cited with research references. Sources include books by Dr. James Duke, Michael T. Murray, Michael Tierra and other doctors, authors and researchers.

Browse the NaturalNews NaturalPedia™

Key Health Concepts

Health | Treatment | Foods | Drug | Diet | Disease | Symptoms | Drugs | Products | Problems | Medicine | Herbs | Herb | Exercise | Chemical | Causes | Nutrients | Plants | Side Effects | Supplements | Chemicals | Diseases | Nutrition | Illness | Supplement | Hormone | Ingredients | Remedy | Prescription | Environment | Toxins | Disorders | Medications | Medication | Extracts | Disorder | Prevention | Remedies | Medicines | Chemistry | Herbal Medicine | Cosmetics | Prescription Drugs | Pharmaceuticals | Nutritional Supplements | Biology | Phytochemicals | Conventional Medicine | Pharmacology | Medicinal Plants | Healthcare | Toxic Chemicals | Pharmaceutical Industry | Dietary Supplements | Herbal Medicines



Vitamin | Calcium | Vitamin C | Magnesium | Zinc | Iron | Vitamin E | Antioxidant | Potassium | Enzyme | Vitamin A | Amino | Antioxidants | Selenium | Vitamin D | Amino Acids | Copper | Folic Acid | Omega-3 | Serotonin | Beta-carotene | Testosterone | Flavonoids | Dhea | Amino Acid | Melatonin | Alkaloids | Niacin | Iodine | Glutathione | Chromium | Sunlight | Vitamin B6 | Manganese | Coenzyme | Vitamin B12 | B Vitamins | Essential Fatty acids | Saturated Fat | Omega-3 Fatty acids | Collagen | Vitamins And minerals | Hdl | Choline | Bran | Msm | Folate | Pollen | Quercetin | Dha | Ascorbic Acid | Carotenoids | Curcumin | Lecithin | Tannins | Vitamin K | Glycosides | Prostaglandins | Leptin | Alkaloid



Protein | Seeds | Fiber | Calories | Salt | Enzymes | Minerals | Oils | Fats | Mineral | Proteins | Carbohydrates | Fatty Acids | Carbohydrate | Dietary Fiber


Plants and Herbs

Leaves | Root | Garlic | Flowers | Leaf | Ginger | Bark | Ginseng | Roots | Flower | Olive | Hemp | Echinacea | Tobacco | Ginkgo | Trees | Green Tea | Cotton | Pepper | Stems | Rose | Chamomile | Cayenne | Cinnamon | Turmeric | Spices | Rosemary | Grass | St. John's wort | Aloe Vera | Spice | Rhizome | Sage | Bush | Ginkgo Biloba | Palmetto | Saponins | Comfrey | Fungus | Astragalus | Cannabis | Ephedra | Kelp | Basil | Nettle | Peel | John's Wort | Stevia | Oregano | Alfalfa | Black Cohosh | Feverfew | Marijuana | Capsaicin | Elm | Arnica | Calendula | Red Clover | Biloba | Thistle



Antibiotics | Tablets | Chemotherapy | Aspirin | Diuretic | Prozac | Antibiotic | Vaccine | Antidepressants | Antidepressant | Laxative | Sedative | Vaccines | Stimulants | Steroids | Diuretics


Health Conditions and Diseases

Cancer | Pain | Depression | Diabetes | Infection | Heart Disease | Inflammation | Diarrhea | Breast Cancer | Aids | Infections | Anxiety | Arthritis | Asthma | Cancers | Virus | Nausea | Aging | Tumors | Nervous | Allergies | High Blood pressure | Headaches | Constipation | Allergy | Obesity | Vomiting | Stroke | Alzheimer's | Osteoporosis | Insomnia | Hypertension | Ulcers | Hiv | Heart Attack | Prostate Cancer | Menopause | Cancer Cells | Anemia | Depressed | Wounds | Colds | Overweight | Hepatitis | Alzheimer's Disease | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Atherosclerosis | Acne | Migraine | Bronchitis | Cardiovascular Disease | Eczema | Cramps | Anger | Lung Cancer | Herpes | Colon Cancer | Pms | Candida | Irritability


Foods and Beverages

Fruit | Sugar | Tea | Alcohol | Fish | Vegetables | Fruits | Juice | Meat | Soy | Coffee | Meals | Beans | Vegetable | Wheat | Dairy | Corn | Nuts | Grains | Eggs | Chicken | Yeast | Cheese | Honey | Bread | Chocolate | Wine | Yogurt | Olive Oil | Fruits And vegetables | Salad | Butter | Berries | Beef | Apple | Flour | Dairy Products | Grain | Potatoes | Drinks | Broccoli | Breakfast | Tomatoes | Spinach | Beverages | Onion | Cabbage | Carrots | Sugars | Mushrooms | Onions | Whole Grains | Meats | Juices | Greens | Soup | Flaxseed | Vinegar | Crops | Apples



Body | Blood | Heart | Skin | Brain | Cells | Liver | Hair | Breast | Stomach | Muscle | Immune System | Tissue | Bone | Head | Eyes | Muscles | Kidney | Eye | Thyroid | Prostate | Tissues | Feet | Colon | Face | Mouth | Hands | Urine | Tumor | Nerve | Lung | Dna | Organs | Cardiovascular | Throat | Bones | Lungs | Genes | Nervous System | Chest | Kidneys | Bladder | Arteries | Bowel | Ear | Joint | Appetite | Blood Vessels | Bile | Joints | Neck | Legs | Teeth | Foot | Nose | Nerves | Leg | Intestines | Mucus | Arms



Sodium | Aspartame | Lactose | Msg | Preservatives | Food Additives | Fructose



Fish Oil | Flaxseed Oil | Coenzyme Q10 | Spirulina | Lactobacillus | Glucosamine



Caffeine | Pesticides | Mercury | Free Radicals | Carcinogens | Fluoride | Aluminum | Pesticide | Additives | Poisons | Chlorine | Fragrance | Nicotine | Ethanol | Carcinogen | Dyes | Solvents | Benzene


Hormones and Biochemistry

Insulin | Estrogen | Hormones | Cortisol | Homocysteine | Dopamine | Estrogens | Lipids | Neurotransmitter | Histamine | Steroid | Saliva | Stomach Acid | Methionine


Treatment Modalities

Massage | Detoxification | Acupuncture | Fasting | Meditation | Relaxation | Yoga | Cleanse | Ayurvedic | Homeopathy | Chinese Medicine | Biofeedback | Folk Medicine | Traditional Chinese medicine | Aerobic Exercise | Reflexology


Biological Functions

Period | Metabolism | Attention | Memory | Digestion | Strength | Concentration | Weight Loss | Vision | Breath | Menstruation | Fertility



Food | Water | Acid | Extract | Light | Lead | Bacteria | Air | Liquid | Oxygen | Powder | Fluid | Acids | Radiation | Tincture | Viruses | Cream | Tonic | Carbon | Essential Oil | Poison | Fire | Formulas | Plastic | Hydrogen | Decoction | Fluids | Metal | Essential Oils | Moisture | Flavoring | Salts | Drinking Water | Syrup | Paste | Steam | Pollution | Metals | Cocaine | Resin | Heavy Metals | Nitrogen | Mold | Powders | Sunscreen | Paint | Cadmium | Pollutants | Asbestos | Rubber



Rats | Mice | Cows | Turkey | Dogs | Cat | Cattle | Horse | Insects | Worms | Cats | Insect



Time | Study | Studies | Life | Work | Risk | World | Energy | Research | Group | Example | Minutes | Process | Activity | Weight | Healing | Experience | Conditions | Therapy | Production | Species | Mind | Test | Damage | Source | Nature | Program | Care | Death | Development | History | Week | Substances | Heat | Reason | Combination | Benefits | True | Needs | Systems | Science | Practice | Factors | Pressure | Sources | Tests | Taste | Average | Money | Range | Formula | Content | Supplementation | Surgery | Consumption | Trial | Theory | Treatments | Color | Field



New | Medical | Natural | American | Little | Normal | Healthy | Whole | Chronic | Physical | Essential | Clinical | Major | Fresh | White | Red | Toxic | General | Free | Dietary | Herbal | Cold | Public | Green | Nutritional | Specific | Dry | Hot | Active | Recommended | Total | Dried | Strong | Serious | National | Black | Raw | Greater | Potential | Simple | Organic | Positive | Real | Single | Traditional | Fatty | Poor | Modern | Complex | Excess | Difficult | Environmental | Quality | Regular | Medicinal | Ancient | Special | Described | Standard | Emotional


Medical Adjectives

Scientific | Mental | Living | Digestive | Oral | Intestinal | Therapeutic | Acute | Adverse | Genetic | Internal | Biological | Urinary | Painful | Gastrointestinal | Cellular | Respiratory | Metabolic | Viral | Menstrual | Adrenal | Bacterial | Diabetic | In Vitro | Cardiac | Standardized | Hormonal | Gastric | Vaginal | Rheumatoid | Infected | Topical | Infectious | Dental | Molecular | Carcinogenic | Placebo-controlled | Surgical | Antiviral | Uterine | Antibacterial | Naturopathic | Systemic | Soluble | Aerobic | Vascular | Pancreatic | Peripheral | Inflamed | Degenerative | Spinal | Cervical | Obese | Benign | Intravenous | Menopausal | Postmenopausal | Premature | Cerebral | Muscular


Medical Terms

Results | Dose | Doses | Properties | Dosage | Placebo | Drops | Diagnosis | Double-blind | Serum | Syndrome | Gene | Dosages | Interactions | Stimulant | Infusion | Antibodies | Receptors | Injection | Potency | Injections | Platelet | Inhibitors | Krebs Cycle



People | Plant | Oil | Product | Produce | Animal | Vitamins | Home | University | Company | Report | Data | Industry | Journal | Hospital | Seed | Capsules | School | List | Earth | Agents | Companies | Market | Diets | Label | Sun | Laboratory | Review | Points | House | Hour | City | Office | Table | Soil | Books | Gas | Questions | Focus | Ice | Compound | Glass | Components | Land | Waste | Wall | Walls | Strain | Materials | Pills | Fields | Bath | Planet | Wood | Garden | Language | Television | Computer | Lining | Machine



Fda | Government | Epa | Organization | Hospitals | Drug Companies | Manufacturers | Clinic | Congress | Usda | Schools | Psychiatry | Corporations | Military | Organizations | Health Food stores | Monsanto | Lancet | Council | Nci | Medical School | Establishment | Pharmacy | Medical Center | Pharmaceutical Companies | Ama | Food And drug administration | Medicare | National Cancer institute | School Of medicine



Parent | Johnson | Murray


Biological Measures

Blood Pressure | Body Weight | Blood Levels | Height | Triglycerides | Heart Rate | Blood Sugar levels | Blood Glucose | Blood Cholesterol



United States | Chinese | New York | Europe | America | China | California | West | India | Asia | Washington | Indian | Germany | England | Japan | Africa | Mexico | Canada | France | North America | London | Asian | Island | African | Berlin | Australia | Harvard | Boston | Italy | Florida | Texas | South America | Brazil | Canadian | Bay | New York city | Los Angeles | San Francisco | Chicago | Massachusetts | Oregon



Patients | Women | Children | Human | Patient | Doctors | Men | Family | Animals | Physician | Child | Physicians | Americans | Adults | Parents | Male | Baby | British | French | Female | Elderly | Farmers | Practitioners | Japanese | Infants | Greek | Cancer Patients | Childhood | Families | Babies | Diabetics | James | For Women | Indians | For Children | Mothers | Infant | Herbalists | Smokers | Pregnant Women | Athletes | Surgeon | Human Beings | Sufferers | Volunteers | Hoxsey | Herbalist | Postmenopausal Women | Vegetarians | Pharmacist | Dentist | Alcoholics



Effects | Levels | Effect | Increase | Immune | Prevent | Helps | Changes | Condition | Function | Intake | Deficiency | Increases | Exposure | Improve | Reduced | Rate | Young | Balance | Increasing | Reaction | Absorption | Pregnancy | Decrease | Blood Sugar | Reduction | Reducing | Decreased | Circulation | Reduces | Allergic | Protection | Attack | Developing | Protective | Resistance | Mood | Elevated | Swelling | Inflammatory | Improves | Burning | Sore | Stimulates | Attacks | Recovery | Cleansing | Induced | Symptom | Immunity | Inhibits | Tension | Stimulating | Deficiencies | Blood Flow | Cholesterol Levels | Withdrawal | Inhibition | Sensitivity | Irritation



Anti-inflammatory | Oxidation | Antiseptic | Relieves | Relieving | Expectorant | Antimicrobial | Antifungal | Analgesic | Calming | Aphrodisiac | Irritant



Eat | Taking | Eating | Avoid | Growth | Drink | Making | Sleep | Working | Treating | Approach | Drinking | Rest | Growing | Read | Play | Remember | Actions | Breathing | Testing | Cooking | Movement | Smoking | Wrote | Understanding | Learned | Building | Giving | Preventing | Learning | Adding | Walking | Reading | Functioning | Finding | Starting | Running | Cook | Synthesis | Boiling | Keeping | Creating | Prevents | Repair | Talking | Improving | Elimination | Changing | Boil | Hearing | Processing | Turns | Maintaining | Protects | March | Seeing | Manufacture | Sitting | Stimulation | Rid
