Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cancer testing outstrips allopathic treatments

by: Dr. Carolyn Dean

Cancer diagnostic testing has finally outstripped allopathic cancer therapy. And the testing itself is not dangerous like the full body scans that use ionizing radiation.

Doctors now have blood tests that can find a single cancer cell in the body but their toxic treatments were never meant to target single cancer cells without wrecking havoc in the rest of the body. Allopathic medicine cuts out tumors with surgery or shrinks them with chemotherapy and radiation. Such treatments would simply not work on a handful of cancer cells.

Researchers want to use the tests AFTER surgery, chemo and radiation to see if the cancer is returning. There are no plans to use this testing to diagnose early cancer because they don't have any treatments for early cancer. Allopathic medicine only practices what it knows, which is surgery, chemo and radiation.

There is also the fact that there are no patents on diet, supplements and detox. I never learned about them in medical school. The only way doctors get involved with natural medicine is when they or their family suffers illnesses that medicine can't treat. It's the same for individuals - treatment with natural medicine is often the last resort instead of the first. None of us seem to take the necessary steps to take care of our health unless it's threatened.

Natural medicine, naturopathic medicine and alternative medicine hold the key to preventing and treating early cancer. Now with this early diagnostic cancer cell testing, we can give patients a simple before and after test to show how their diet and lifestyle program is working.

I've already seen it at work in someone with a history of cancer who had the cancer blood test done. When the cancer cell test levels came back high, while waiting for surgery, he did some alternative medicine therapies and saw that his test improved dramatically after only a few weeks. The treatments he used were ones outlined in my Future Health Now! online wellness program: clay and magnesium detox baths, castor oil packs, coconut oil pulling, inclined bed therapy and energy work (like Emotional Freedom Technique). The doctors were astounded.

This story will be repeated over and over when patients demand the cancer cell test and demand the right to use simple and safe therapies as their first choice instead of toxic chemotherapy and radiation.

Here's a brief overview of what you can do right now to turn your body into a cancer-free zone. Why wait until you develop a tumor that will be treated (usually ineffectively) by allopathic medicine? Create your own lifestyle program to prevent cancer from developing in the first place.

1. Diet: Choose organic foods and eat according to your metabolic type or you blood type.

2. Supplements: Start with magnesium to supply the cofactor for over 325 metabolic enzyme systems in the body. Add food-based supplements, highly absorbed minerals, and digestive enzymes.

3. Detoxification: Magnesium is a detoxifier and can be used as Epsom salts or magnesium chloride bath flakes. Use detox clay along with magnesium in your baths or footbaths several times per week. Clay absorbs toxins from your body through your skin. Clay can remove heavy metals, chemicals and drugs. And it's one of the few treatments for the effects of radiation.

4: Body Work: Massage, Yoga, and EFT will help to move energy through your nervous system or acupuncture meridian system and prevent blockage - either physical or emotional.

5: Spiritual/Vibrational: Prayer and Meditation.

I've been working for 40 years on Future Health Now! which will allow you to create your own healthy lifestyle program which includes:

a. Vitalizing Foods
b. Personal Care
c. Energizing Exercise
d. Super Nutrients
e. Living Space
f. Rejuvenating Sleep
g. Mind over Matter

Reference: CellSearch Cancer Testing:

About the author:
Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor. She has been in the forefront of the natural medicine revolution for over 30 years.

Dr. Dean is the author / coauthor of 22 health books (print and eBooks) including The Magnesium Miracle, IBS for Dummies, IBS Cookbook for Dummies, The Yeast Connection and Women's Health, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, Death by Modern Medicine, Everything Alzheimers, and Hormone Balance.

Dr. Dean is Medical Director of the Medical Anti-Aging Clinic and Pharmacy in Dubai Health Care City and Medical Director of the Nutritional Magnesium Association.

Dr. Dean has a free newsletter and a valuable online 2-year wellness program called Future Health Now! and a telephone consulting practice. Find out more at

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